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Order sterile injectables or topical formulations.


We are currently licensed in the states

How to Order

Thank you for choosing ALLAYMEDS Pharmacy’s for your pharmacy needs. We know you will find our products and service uniquely beneficial to you. Prescribing with ALLAYMEDS is easy.

Custom compounded medications from ALLAYMEDS Pharmacy have never been

easier—or more cost-effective.

Flat-Rate Pricing

Your price shouldn’t change with your dosage. ALLAYMEDS offers flat-rate, 30-day packages for many variable-dose medications.

Free Shipping

We take shipping costs out of the equation. Your prescription comes with free two-day shipping, nationwide.

fast turnaround

While other compounding pharmacies take a week, we deliver to your home or doctor’s office within four days.

Flat-Rate Pricing for Monthly Meds

ALLAYMEDS offers flat-rate pricing regardless of the number of ingredients or strengths for an ever-expanding array of prescriptions that are custom-compounded to fit your needs. Explore the available treatments for your monthly package, start saving, and live your best life with ALLAYMEDS!

Leading Monthly Meds

Learn More about Compounded Medications

Doctors choose compounded medications for their patients when commercially available pharmaceuticals aren’t appropriate. Whether the issue is dosage, form, allergies, or the balance of active ingredients, ALLAYMEDS is ready to craft exactly what each patient needs.

Our Featured


Skin Care

Skin Care

We compound prescription skin care medications using a combination of powerful prescription treatments...

Hair Loss

We recognize that hair loss is not only a complex medical condition, but one that affects every aspect of the hair loss sufferer's life.

Sexual Health

Sexual Health

While there are many potential causes of sexual problems that can range from stress to medical and prescription side effects...

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Men and Women may experience hormonal decline associated with aging. The imbalance level of hormones may fluctuate or diminish...

Low Dose Naltrexone

Low Dose Naltrexone

LDN refers to daily dosages of naltrexone that are approximately 10% or less of the typical opioid addiction treatment dosage, commonly up to 5mg....


What is Compounding?

In general, compounding is a practice in which a licensed pharmacist, upon a physicians’ prescription order, combines, mixes, or alters ingredients of a drug to create a medication tailored to the needs of an individual patient.

A health care provider will prescribe a compounded drug when commercially available products do not meet your needs. Preparing a paste or suspension from crushed tablets is one example of compounding. Likewise, adding flavoring to medication is also compounding.

Is a prescription required?

Yes, a prescription order from a physician is required for the pharmacist to compound your medication to meet your specific needs.

Are compounded prescriptions covered by insurance?

Some health insurance plans cover compounded medications. Check with your insurance company to see if you have coverage. Most compounding pharmacies cannot bill to insurance companies directly for compounded medications. Depending on the nature of the product, these medications may be just as affordable as your conventional prescriptions.

How does my medical provider play a role in compounding?

Many medical providers are aware of the practice of compounding, and they may work with your local compounding pharmacy to provide the right medication for you. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor today if you feel that a compounded prescription may be a better way to manage a health condition for you or your family member.

Does a compounding pharmacist have special training?

All pharmacists are taught in pharmacy school how to properly compound medications, and many compounding pharmacists have advanced training after pharmacy school graduation. Compounding pharmacists utilize their unique pharmacy skills, knowledge, and creativity to work with you and your prescriber to prepare medication in a dosage form that has been customized to your particular needs

We’re Here for You

It’s common to have questions and concerns about ordering a customized medication. You might be unsure of what to do first. Don’t stress, just give us a call at 210-809-6607, and we’ll make it easy to get started.


Get In Touch

    Phone Number

    Phone : 210-809-6607
    Fax : 210-809-6297
    Office Address
    2414 Babcock Rd, Ste # 111
    San Antonio, TX, 78229